viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

Porque nos oponemos a las ventas en los templos//Why we're against the sales at the temples

A todos nuestros contactos:
Bendiciones y buenos dias. No apoyamos eventos en los cuales halla que pagar y esto es claro y eso incluye la venta de comida en los templos, con mucha mas razon. No podemos comerciar con el evangelio. La iglesia es a ser sustentada con diezmos y ofrendas y punto. Por algo me gusta la gente del Forum Apologetico (Armengot, Paulino, Penn and Polanco), porque hacen tremendas actividades Y EN HOTELES y no piden un centavo. Eso es de Dios. Tenemos que dejar de estar cobrando por actividades y empezar a enseñar a la iglesia que esto es para darlo por gracia, no para recolectar fondos. Favor de leer Mateo 10:8. En especial dejar las ventas de comida, porque Jesus saco un latigo y limpio el templo de mercaderes. Lean Mateo 21:12-17 por favor.
La Biblia en cierto aspecto lo unico que respalda es una libreria cristiana, pero por favor, pongan precios modicos, porque si vamos a Walmart un CD de musica de un grupo mundano de los 80s vale mas barato que uno cristiano. Por ende, deben ser libros y ya. Eso era costumbre y Cristo no los saco a ellos y les dejo, asi se convirtio el Eunuco leyendo un pedazo del libro de Isaias y Pablo lo respaldo. Favor de ver Hechos 8:26-39 y 2 Timoteo 4:13.
Si algo me gusta de Pedro y Juan es que le dijeron al paralitico en Hechos 3, en la Puerta de la Hermosa: NO TENGO ORO NI PLATA, PERO DE LO QUE TENGO TE DOY-LEVANTATE Y ANDA EN EL NOMBRE DE JESUS. Hoy dia muchas congregaciones, y diria la mayoria, dice: NO TENGO QUE DECIR QUE NO TENGO ORO NI PLATA PERO TAMPOCO PUEDO DECIR QUE TE LEVANTES Y ANDES EN EL NOMBRE DE JESUS. 
Este que les habla ha escrito 7 libros y acabo de encontrar la memoria movible de 8GB que pense estaba perdida para el 8 y el 9, y los regalamos, y son mayormente para formar hijos espirituales. Y no me falta nada. Tenemos que poner las cosas claras y tenemos que comenzar a buscar primeramente el Reino de Dios y Su Justicia para que todo lo demas venga por añadidura, no las añadiduras a ver si viene el Reino de Dios. 
Estamos en un tiempo de reforma donde se esta volviendo a la iglesia de Hechos, la que vio gloria, presencia, uncion, milagros, salvaciones a montones, y parte de esto es la reforma. LA REFORMA TRAE AVIVAMIENTO. Bendiciones y buen dia.
To all of our contacts:
Blessings and good morning. We don't backup events in which there is some type of payment envolved to assist and this is clear in the Word of God, including the most of all, the food sales at the temple. We can't sale the gospel. The church is called to be sustained with tithes and offerings and that is it. That is why I really like the people from the Apologetic Forum (Armengot, Paulino, Penn and Polanco), because they organize tremendous activities IN HOTELS and don't ask for a penny. That is Godly. We have to stop charging money for activities and start teaching the church that is it to give by grace, as Matthew 10:8 states. Specially food sales, and that is why Jesus took a whip and cleaned the temple of merchants. Please read Matthew 21:12-17.
The Bible in some aspects support to have a Christian Bookstore, but please, put modest prices, because if we go to Walmart to buy a CD of a non-christian band from the 80s costs less than a christian music CD. That is why it should only be books and that is it. That is what they used to do and Christ didn't kick them out of the temple and left them, and by is how the eunuch that was reading a portion of the book of Isaiah got saved and Paul support it. Please read Acts 8:26-39 and 2 TImothy 4:13.
If there is something I really like about Peter and John is that they told the lame beggar at the temple gate called The Beautiful: Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. Today many congregations, and I would say most of them, say: I DON'T HAVE TO SAY THAT I DON'T HAVE GOLD OR SILVER BUT NEITHER I CAN SAY TO THE SICK TO WALK IN JESUS NAME. 
I have written 7 books so far and I just found my 8 GB memory that I thought it was lost for numbers 8 and 9 and we give them for free, and they are mainly to form spiritual children. And The Lord provides everything. We have to say things clear and we have to start seeking the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all things will ge given, not seek all things and then you will get the Kingdom of God and its righteousness. 
We're on a reformation time in which the church is going back to Acts, the one that saw the glory, presence, anointing, miracles and many salvations, and part of it is the reformation. THE REFORM BRINGS REVIVAL. Blessings and nice day.